Sunday, September 30, 2012

September Quarterly Top 5 Link Up

I haven't done a link up in a long time & because it's raining today where I live I thought I would join in on the fun. So, here I go... 
1. I chose this photo of my son because it really captures the essence of his sweet soul. I also love the bokeh I achieved in camera.
FDS 2012
2. I love this photo of my boys on the first day of school because I really can feel the excitement they were experiencing.
Such a ham!

3. Now this particular photo captures the silliness that has become my oldest son! He makes this face every single time I try to get a shot of him. I think he thinks he's too cool to smile for his old mom anymore. WAH!
DSCN0086 copy_WM
4. We took our first camping trip back in August and this photo was taken then. I love it because reminds me of the wonderful time we had together. :)
Riley & his bff, Puppy
5. This is my baby with his baby, "Puppy". He has played with this little stuffed animal every single day of his life since he was around 18 mo. old {my son will be 7 in February}. We have had to tear our house apart many a time searching for "Puppy" at bedtime. He's definitely part of our family!
If you're intersted in checking out more awesome photos follow me over to Ramblings and Photos by clicking on the link below:
Happy Sunday! :)


  1. Love your new blog and love these!! That first one is awesome!!

  2. I love your picks! These are fabulous! My favorite is that first shot!

  3. Gorgeous photos, and such sweet boys you have :) I totally cracked up at the 'silly face' shot...must be a phase they go through at that age; I'm having a really tough time getting my 7 yr old son to give a proper smile to the camera! LOL And, I agree with the others that the first photo is awesome <3

  4. These are so great - loving the first one!
